2023 Reading List
Ungifted - Done
Ice Monster - Done
Kid Authors
Level 13
Harry Potter: #2 - Done
Land of stories #6
Hard Drive: Bill Gates and the Making of the Microsoft EmpireĀ - Done (with game credit)
Delivering Happiness - Done (with game credit)Ā
Wings of fire - the graphic novel - done
Duel of the ironclads - done
Secret coders 3 - secrets & sequences - done
Secret coders 4 - robots & repeats - done
Secret coders 5 - potions & parameters - done
The lost book of adventure - done
Gold fever!- tales from the California gold rush - done
Your life as a private on the Lewis and Clark expedition - done
Harry Potter and Sorcerer's Stone - done
What was the Holocaust? - done
Christopher Columbus - the merchant adventurer - done
Muhammad Ali - the greatest of all time! - done
If you were a kid during the American Revolution - done
Dusty Dabbert - the secret animal kingdom - done
Escaping Titanic - a young girl's true story of survival - done
The story of inventions - done
Wings of fire - the graphic novelĀ
This book is about a SandWing.Ā Her name is Sunny.Ā In this book, she wants toĀ fulfill the Dragonet Prophecy, so she goes to the Scorpion Den.Ā There, she foundĀ her mother. Then went to find her father which was found in Jade Mountain. After find her father, she went to a Scavenger Den to find The Eye Of The Onyx, but failed, and gotĀ a Dreamvister. Then, she went to get her friends and they went to Burns Stronghold and the 3 sistersļ¼Blisterļ¼Blaze, Ā and Burn.Ā Then, Smolder gave Burn a box (This is a trick!) and she opened the box and died because there was dragonbite viper in the box. I can't remember the rest but I don't want to spoil the surprise ether way!
Duel of the ironclads
This book is about two ironclads battling during the Civil War. The south made an ironclad named Virginia, while the north also built a ironclad called Monitor. The Virginia almost destroyed all of the norths ships in the ultimate battle, but the MonitorĀ stopped her from destroying the rest. It turned into an intense battle. Nobody won, but neither lasted more then a year after the battle.
Book Title 1
Where does your story take place:
Identify and describe the main characters:
Using complete sentences, explain the problem the character faced in the book:Ā
Explain how the characters solved the problem:Ā
Was the story sweet or tearful? What was your opinion of the book?Ā
Who is J.R.R Tolkien?
J.R.R Tolkien was born inĀ