Diary - March 2023

March 1, 2023

Today mom made a big mistake for me. You know how I LOVE soccer, right? But, mom said that today our training place switched: from one place to the other that are very far from each other. But, when we got there, nobody I knew was there! I asked all the coaches that were there. They all said that I was at the wrong place. Well, I trusted them, but Grandpa didn't, and he went searching again at another place.

After searching exactly 4 times, we gave up and asked mom what happened. She said that she made a mistake, that my training place didn't switch at all, and that mom was sorry.

I just think that mom made an accidental mistake, or else she wouldn't be telling us that piece of information. I also think that my coach shouldn't switch, because now my new training place is father from Coach Tian's place, and we'd have to now go to soccer on Monday or miss 15 minutes of Coach Tian's class.

March 2, 2023

My best buddy Tyler is a short and stubby little guy in my class. One fun fact about him is that he plays baseball. I really admire that he can throw the ball really fast, high, and accurate. Oh, not really accurate, but still, pretty high. 

Once Matteo, Me, Aiden, and Tyler played Don't-Let-The-Ball-Touch-the-ground, and he threw the ball high. I thought that it was accurate pass, but he actually got me out on a very awkward place.

March 3, 2023

Today I read a book called "Legend of the Star Runner". I really suggest you read it if you like puzzles, because there are puzzles all over the book! It also has lots of colorful pictures if you like them. The AR reading level is also pretty nice and high.

This is how the book might be improved:

March 4, 2023

Today I had a very bad soccer game with Bothel, an easy team to beat. It started really badly, with the opponent scoring a tremendous goal. But, we got that back when Kamran passed the ball to the edge of the goal. In the second half, there were some close chances to score for our team, but we didn't quite make it, which is a big disappointment. Wilburton still scored a goal, but the opponent tied the game.

I think that our team was in the right spot to win an easy game, but then we tied it. Or at least the opponent did. These are some things I should focus on:

-Not dribbling into space when a lot of people in front of me.

-Not just trying to shoot when there are a lot of people in front of me.

-Keep my eyes up, because I could just pass to Wilburton and he could shoot.

March 5, 2023

Today I am very miserable because we didn't go skiing! I just love skiing that much, and not doing it is very miserable. I like skiing mostly because it counts as exercise. Even though I barely move at all when turning and jumping, parents are like, "Ouchie! Oof, I just poked my leg while trying to get up with a pole!"

March 6, 2023

Today I read a little bit about Cuba. Cuba is an island in Atlantic Ocean surrounded by small islands. Columbus sailed there in, like, 1492, but since nobody had discovered the new world. Columbus thought it was Japan, but I can't blame him because everybody in his time thought there was just a Europe, Asia, and Africa.

March 7, 2023

Today I read SLACKER. It's about some guy named Cam who founds a club called The P.A.G (Positive Action Group) , even though he's a big Couch Potato. So, the school counselor tells him that he has to plan a meeting soon, because a lot of people want to join his club. Cam does, but he sweats on the stage, and ends up another person talking instead of him. Everybody plans to go weed the Senior Garden. 

At the Senior Garden, Cam finds a leek in the apartments that leads him to a elderly woman who bonked her head on a faucet, and everybody finds Cam in the school newspaper. I guess that even though you're a slacker, you can still change, like Cam.

March 8, 2023

Today I had an awfully long piano lesson. How long? Almost 2 hours, which is way too long for me. I literally did the same thing over 60 times! Dude, nobody can stand something like that. Well, maybe for you*, but not to me. I was so relieved that we went to exercise, because I just needed fresh air. Well how much? As much as I can get. We played soccer there, and had lots of fun, which is better than being trapped in a 70º house doing piano!

*I'm especially talking to William Yu here!!

March 9, 2023

Today dad taught me to tell a story. He says that I have to "literally" memorize the entire story, which is, like, 5 pages long with, like, 50 words on each page. That means that I have to memorize, umm . . . 250 words! that's almost two thirds of 1 chapter of Judy Moody (My brother reads it, and he says it's good) ! Well, not exactly memorize it, just don't miss any of the content.

March 10, 2023

I play a sport called soccer. I have learned to have my side foot next to the ball when shooting, how to spin 180º when doing a pullback, and lots of skill moves, for example:

-How to do a L-turn -How to do a scissor (or double)

-How to do a enesta (kinda hard)  -How to do a tic-tok (no, really)

Soccer helps me build muscles and talent. You know, not everybody wants to play soccer. They might play Basketball, Baseball, Swimming, Football (called rugby in UK) , and Softball. Well, I will still play soccer, but I might be interested in some other sports, like Baseball . . . Okay, never mind, I will still stick to soccer!


Sometimes you might think, "Well, I don't want to buy cleats, or turf shoes, I want my sneakers!" Okay, first of all, the shoe matters. Cleats and turf shoes all have sharp edges (that's probably why you don't like them, they are uncomfortable) , which is easier to chip and shoot better. Chipping is when you put your toe under the ball, and lift your foot up quickly. Yes, it will take time, but you will eventually get it. 


You might say,"Why? I know how to shoot and pass!" Well, not until I was 8 till I learned how to shoot properly, with my laces. Well, if you shoot with your inside, I'm sorry! You didn't pass! If you do it with your toe, BOO! You need shoot with the outside of your foot. Place your other foot next to the ball, and finally, Shoot!


Okay, since I play defender, how am I supposed to know this? Well, do think I have EXPERIENCE? Oh, sure I do! First of all, lock eyes on the ball (basically watch the ball to see where it is going) . This will help you know which way to leap. Second of all, don't be afraid of getting hit by the ball. It doesn't really hurt if you don't think it doesn't. Third of all, Leap! Don't be afraid of smashing the ground. 


One time, against Bothell, we were losing 2 - 1. I encouraged all of my friends to play hard. Really, we scored a goal right away, and tied it! Then came halftime, and after it, we were back into playing. We then got another goal, from a cross made by me, a goal made by Wilburton, and one final cross made by me to get in the net! This proves that sometimes, not giving up is the way to victory!


Anyways, I had a TREMENDOUS soccer game today against Medina. Oh well, it turn out pretty good, Because now it's a 3 - 3 draw *(By one nanosecond, the clock stopped before someone scored) . Theo scored our first goal, and Wilburton scored the other two. Really, Grant (goalie) saved a buncha shots I couldn't save. Oh, and I got complimented by my coach individually, but he complimented everyone because last time we played against them we lost a whoppin' 7 - 0! I think we all improved a LOT since last time!!

*We could have won because someone handballed the ball and it was supposed to be a penalty kick.

March 12, 2023

Today I went skiing with Vincent, Lucas, and Summer. We first stayed on Silver Fir, but then we did Silver Nugget. I've heard rumors about it being hard, But I think it is pretty easy. It is a bit steep, but very flat, unless you choose to do the moguls.

The best part is when we went to Triple 60 chairlift. I thought it was hard, but I liked it a lot!  We first just did Triple 60 (the ski trail), but then we went to Parachute, a bumpier and steeper ski trail. 

At the end of Parachute was Holiday, and we went to the park. I just rode on the blue bars, but then we went back to Triple 60. There, we did Top Traverse until we got to Alpine. Then we got to the base of Central Express, so we could go to Silver Nugget. But, Lucas forced me into a trail, and a parent had to get us out. Then, we went back to Silver Fir Base.

Mom said that this is the first time our entire family went to a black. I have actually went to Wildside and 360 Bowl. Yes, everyone fell, but luckily they were small ones. Most people fell on Triple 60, but Kyle fell on Outback!

March 13, 2023

Today I went to soccer practice at Titans FC. It was still at the same place, but the boys went first, and the girls went after us. So, we first did this weird passing drill that includes a pattern: Long pass, Short pass, Short pass, Long, Short, Short, and so on. I really liked it. Then, we were off to do the same thing, but long range passes. I was okay, but I kept passing off target. After that we played Canada, another passing game. It was fun, and we kept winning. After that came scrimmage, and then home time!

March 14, 2023

Today I had a bad stomach ache, and had to go to the bathroom. I actually I thought that I had stomach flu again, but thankfully, I'm back here, safe and sound, in my warm bed. Okay, back to the stomach ache situation. First, I thought if I just pee, it would be better. But, then it got worse and I had to go poopoo! But, it wasn't to bad, and I managed to keep it together until Mrs. Suddendorf and my class got back to our classroom. I really was lucky to have kept it together until dismissal!

March 15, 2023

Today I played a new game called tag on the play structure. Oh yeah, it is totally chaos. Kids are screaming, people are running on the stairs, and people are sliding down the fireman pole really fast. It's really intense, though. I really have a ton of skill, and use my surroundings to get them, like when I used a stick to tag and when I climbed the edge of the play structure. Well, you could possibly say that I'm a tag expert. Yo, I really am. And not to mention that I'm in the top three of 72 students that are good at running. Or, maybe run really fast.

March 16, 2023

Today it is almost St. Patrick's Day! I remember that in Mrs. Roberts' class, we built a leprechaun trap, and I actually got a note from the leprechaun that he got trapped! This year, I'm going to build a trap where the leprechaun opens the door, a string tied to the doorknob pulls up, and the other end of the string which is tied to the bin lifts, and when the leprechaun closes the door, the bin goes down, and BOOM BAM! The leprechaun gets trapped in the bin!

March 17, 2023

Today I will make it a perfect day! It has been a long, long long time since I played my Nintendo. almost 168 hours!!! Whoa, that is, like, a whole week! To me, that is a lot. Also, I need to get that bit of skill back at Mario Kart. I'm kinda losing all those hacks . . . just kidding! I still probably can drift, but I'll have to get used to it! I'm also excited to try out my new trick! I just can't wait one single moment, I want I just get my Nintendo out and try that trick! I'm going to BUST . . .

March 18, 2023

The main characters are Jack and Christmas Pig (CP) . CP is a confident leader who is resourceful about solving problems in the Land of the Lost. He is selfless in helping Jack find Dur Pig, knowing that Jack can only take one stuffie home. Jack is a great team player who always ensures no one is left behind. He is also brave. He risked being eaten by the Loser to save CP.

March 19, 2023

Jack lost his favorite stuffie, Dur Pig (DP) who is in the Land of the Lost. Jack decided to save DP. However, it's risky and dangerous to rescue DP from the Land of the Lost. Nobody is allowed to help others, otherwise they will be eaten by the Loser, the ruler of the Land of the Lost. Jack also doesn't know where DP is. There is a lack of help, and everything is mostly up to Jack and Christmas Pig.

Today I went to Steven's Birthday party and Olivia's Birthday party! Steven's was at DEFY. There was a swing bar, a ultra-fun slide, and a zipline! Olivia's was somewhere else. I don't like it too much, but it had a cool Balance Beam Battle, and I beat all of my classmates (including Taylor, a middle-schooler) !

MARCH 20, 2023


March 21, 2023

Today I went outside to Odle Middle School right next to our house. It is a short walk there, but due to my injured kneecap, it was a long ride there, even though I rode my bike. Mom put a cool bandage on it that instantly helps my knee feel better. But, at the field, the bandage fell off. Phooey. After it fell, it hurt a bit more then when I had that bandage on. Oh well. I practiced dribbling around mom, and shooting until some people shooed us away because they were afraid that I was gonna get smacked in the face. Nope, that won't happen.

March 22, 2023

Today I had an excellent soccer practice today. I played as right wing, where my buddy Riordan played centerback. We both scored the same amount of goals, which was 2. Now, I know you know what is 2+2, so I will just scream it. F O U R ! ! Yes, we won 4 - 3, which is pretty nice because the other team had more good players than us. They had Jeremy, Leo, Auish, and Trinian, while we only had Riordan and me. Still, we won nicely, so I think we did an OKAY job!

March 23, 2023

Today I went to Mad Science party, where we ate lots of pizza, juice, and other stuff. We then made this weird thing called oobleck, which is made using cornstarch and water. You need to add twice as much cornstarch than water. You can add food coloring, too. I chose yellow, but then added in a lot of blue, which made green food coloring. After we were done making oobleck, we went and watched a science movie. I got to drink delicious root beer with a ice cream float! YO!

March 24, 2023

Today I went out to a rotating sushi bar. It had, well, rotating sushi! You had to do a secret lifting pattern to open the lid. You could also order food on a screen, and the food you ordered would arrive on a cool, efficient conveyor belt! Also, if you dispose 15 plates, you get a cool prize! We got 2, but they were so tight that mom couldn't open it! I guess that we will have to wait until dad comes home from China for him to open. I still think that rotating sushi is efficient and fun!

March 25, 2023 [Kyle's perspective]

Today I tried to ski Central Park for the very first time in my life! My brobro Jace also said he likes it. We first just went from the top of Central Park to Alpine. There was a big jump there!⛷Then, we convinced mom to go to the route around Bonzona Face. It worked! It was wide, flat, and not steep, that's how mom likes things. Oh, yeah, she loved it. After that, my brobro convinced mom again to let us do Bonzona Face. I was really excited! Oh yes, I loved it. I wish mom took a video of us skiing, though.

March 26, 2023

Today I injured my leg the second time! Yeowch! Remember when I injured my knee at school? Well, a soccer ball hit my knee, and all of a sudden my knee hurt a lot! Mom had to put ice on it, and my leg couldn't move for half an hour, which is a long time. Thankfully, I wasn't hurt too badly, so I healed after several long, boring hours. I learned a huge lesson that taught me to always take care of my precious leg, because without it, I won't be able to kick or run or even walk!

March 27, 2023

Jack and CP searched every town, and found DP in the Island of the Beloved. As Jack could only take one stuffie home, CP decided to go to the Loser's Lair and let Jack take DP home. Jack realized he wants CP after they went through so many challenges together. Also, DP is safe where he is. Jack saved CP along with many other Things by saying that he cared about them and all of them are useful and shouldn't be abandoned in any way.

March 28, 2023

Today I had a very important thing today: My Dinostar Musical! It is the name of the big play we're going to perform at Kirkland Performance Center. Okay, that's a real theater alright, but I'm not scared to do the songs. The first one is, like, the intro song. The second one is The Raptors Rap. The third one is Micropachycephalosaurus, which has 23 letters in it! The fourth one is the one that I perform in, Dinosaur 2-Step. The last one is called Dinosaur rock. It's my favorite.

March 29, 2023

Today I didn't do anything fun at all. Oh, yes, I always have something exciting to do every day, but not today. I just didn't do anything interesting, as I should say. I wanted to do something fun, but I couldn't think of one. I wish I could teleport to the future and see some interesting things, like maybe . . . hoverboards? How about . . . a watch that can give you hints about your future. Or maybe a iPhone that can tell you horoscopes? I don't know! There are so many different options to choose from!

March 30, 2023

Today I have a stinking chinese class and a crazy chess class. Also, I'm going to write a poem. Here is goes . . .

Dorky dogs dunk drunk donkeys on dancing ducks. And another one . . . Aardvarks ate apples in Africa. Funny, right? That is an Animal Alliteration Poem. Mrs. Suddendorf taught us that yesterday. Also, I can do an acrostic poem. Here it goes!

Jolly like a excited joker, | I think this is a pretty nice acrostic poem, since it is a

Awesome at shooting soccer balls, | starting poem, which is just like rough draft, or planning page.

Candy is the best type of food, | I really agree with Mrs. Suddendorf that poetry is fun, but 

Excellent at skiing Black Diamonds. | PowerPoint Projects are more fun and exciting than poetry.

March 31, 2023

Today I have school lunch! I don't like home lunch because it is mainly the same thing, but just rotated. You could say that as"boring", but some people like it. Unlike home lunch, school lunch is always different each day (that is sad that I only have school lunch once a week, on Fridays) . School lunch is also yummy, like sometimes barbeque chicken, pizza, or pasta (of course, the pasta is always different!) ! They also give things like ketchup packets and sour cream packets. They are sooo good!