Diary - February 2023
February 1, 2023
Today I went skiing again, but without my poles. You already know how I broke my pole, so let me tell you the good thing if you don't have poles: It is more freestyle-ish, and that is how I want to be! This is how I got that information. Last time when we were skiing, I saw a guy do a backflip and a 360º spin! And, I also could sit down on my skis to rest and go faster! Win-win! But, I will only do that when in a terrain park. Or else I want my poles.
February 2, 2023
Today I could not do my diary because of these two reasons: One: Because I had a very interesting chess class starting at 5:00 and ending at 6:00, and Two: I had a very very bor-ing chinese class that starts at 6:30 and ends at 7:30. Before I did chess, I finished up my chinese homework, because those to times where my chess class ends and chinese class starts is really short because I have to play a chess match against my classmates. And then, there goes the boring chinese class again. I really don't like it.
February 3, 2023
Today William and Emilie came over to play LEGO Boost at a very weird time while was doing chinese homework. Mom told me that, but I kinda forgot when they would arrive. It was approximately 6:00, but I was expecting both Emilie and William to come, but only Emilie came. Then, mom disappeared suddenly to a dinner party. If it weren't for dad, I wouldn't know where she went. So, when William came, he took a bath, we ate dinner, and then we played LEGO Boost. I really like it a lot. But, I like having friends over better.
February 4, 2023
Today daddy fell on a BLACK DIAMOND, 360º Bowl, and I'll tell you how it started. So, we were going skiing, and we went to Summit West, even though that agreed to go to Alpine! So, we went to Pacific Crest, and I had not a lot of fun, so I convinced dad to go to 360º Bowl.
It was a total disaster.
Daddy fell really badly and hurt his eye and thumbs and had to go to the Ski Patrol to get a band-aid, plus he had to walk down the mountain, but he's okay. He always let me go on the right side where we can go 90º straight down!!!
February 5, 2023
Today I went to a very exciting soccer game in Titans FC against Medina. The game started with a lot of passing by our team, that lead to the goal of Leo! But, we celebrated too early. They quickly of scored a goal, 1 - 1. But, we got awarded a free kick, so I booted the ball super high, someone blocked it, and I quickly scored! This continued until Theo shot the ball in the goal, but the referee said no goal! Then, they got awarded a penalty kick! They obviously scored and made it 3 - 2. But then, Kameran then let in a goal and made a 3 - 3! Then came halftime. Then, we were back to playing. They also scored because we passed to the middle too much! Finally, we lost 4 - 3.
February 6, 2023
Today I was excited to play the soccer games at 4:00 and 5: 20, I think. But, when it was time for Art Class, I nearly vomited, so I told the teacher that I needed to go the the bathroom, Number Two*. But, after that, my stomach started to hurt again! so, I went to the school clinic, and I sat on a weird bed. I waited and read the 2012-2013 Chestnut Hill Academy Yearbook. The pictures in the yearbook look different. Because there was no Covid 19 at the time, nobody had a mask in the pictures. Then, Grandpa picked me up and we went home.
At home, my stomach still hurt a lot, so I took a very, very, very long nap. Almost TWO HOURS!! But after the nap, my stomach still hurt a little bit, so I didn't go to soccer practice. I played some ChessKid, and I did a lot of puzzles to finish my lesson about Bishop vs. Knight.
February 7, 2023
Today I went to swimming class with Kyle. I really disliked the waiting-for-Kyle-to-be-done-swimming part. It was pretty boring. I still like the swimming part, though, and I really liked jumping into the water and swimming to the red line, which is pretty much halfway, and then get out. We had to do that three times, and I did all three times pretty quickly. But, I felt like cheated a little bit, because I jumped farther so I didn't have to swim that far. After all three times, we did dives. Everybody did it from the diving board, and we all did kneeling dives, because we didn't want to do a stand-up dive. I really like swimming.🏊🏼♂️
February 8, 2023
Today I went skiing, and I liked it a lot. We warmed up on Golden Nugget, and we could freeski to the meeting place again! I like to do the bumpy part, while everyone else skis on the groomed part. Then, we went to a bumpiest version of Golden Nugget, which had so many bumps! I even jumped once accidentally! The last part is really fun, because it's sooo steep! 3 people fell there! We did that again, and then it was lunchtime. After that, we went to Alpine! This time, we semi-freeskied to a place, but you had to choose a partner, and you have to follow your partner. It was pretty fun! Then, we skied down Alpine. Since we didn't have more time, we went back to the buses.
February 9, 2023
Today I am not happy. Well, one thing is that I have a boring chess class (very very awkward!) and a very very boring chinese class. Another reason is that I had no idea how to do my math homework, which is NOT normal. But, mom figured it out. The BIGGEST problem right now is that . . . I FORGOT MY DARN WORKSHEET THAT MY TEACHER GAVE ME!! Well, it might be my problem because I forgot to put that dang piece of trash into my Homework Folder.
February 10, 2023
*Birthday Countdown: 10 days to go
Okay, that thing over there is my birthday countdown clock.⤴︎ Apparently, it says that, hmmm . . . 10 days to go! That is really exciting, because I have been waiting for sooo long for that Nintendo Switch. I think it's, like, a million gazillion years! (of course, that wouldn't have happened in real life) I'm also excited for my friends to come! I just wonder what presents they will bring! ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHH!!!!!!!! Okay, I have to stop writing because it makes me hungry . . .
February 11, 2023
Today I had an AMAZING SOCCER GAME THAT I CANNOT FORGET! To start the game, I scored a goal in a Free Kick, which I do best at. Then, we scored another goal, also by me in a corner kick! Then, we scored another goal by Theo, I think, and then they scored a goal. Then, we keeped the goalie busy by always blasting shots at the goal. Then, after halftime, we were super ready. They got chances to win, but he just didn't aim well. Then, we keeped shooting, and eventually, we won 5-3!
February 12, 2023
Today I went to ski! This time, we went to SUMMIT CENTRAL!!! I love it because of CENTRAL EXPRESS! We started with Alpine. I LOVED Alpine, but due to my slow mommy, we only can get 1 round per 30 minutes! We're there for 6 hours, so we only got 12 rounds! I like the right side that was a ton of bumps, but other people did the middle. I also found a big jump at the end! you can go SO, SO, SO HIGH EVEN THOUGH YOU DON'T HAVE FULL POWER!
February 13, 2023
Today I had a very very terrible stomach ache, but I still went to soccer practice. That turned out to be a very very BAD IDEA. But, I went there, and I did all of the drills. Except scrimmage. That time, my stomach really hurt, and I didn't like it at all. But, I still went to the second practice. The second one wasn't as bad, because I didn't have so much of a stomach ache anymore. But, my feet were so so so freezing that I missed one perfect shot! And, that was why I miss two shots that I should have scored in.
February 14, 2023
Dear anybody that is reading this,
Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! I know that you might be thinking right now "Huh? I thought Valentine's Day was yesterday!" , but I didn't have enough time to write my diary.
So okay, back to my school. We had a PARTY at 2:00 to 3:00, and I liked it. Well, the teachers gave me a Bundt cake and a big bag of yummy stuff. Well, it turned out to be a popcorn bag, a Rice Krispy, a Fruit-by-the-foot (don't ask me how it got his name) , two oranges, and a juicebox. I loved all of it. I wish we can have another party soon!
February 15, 2023
Today I am so excited to celebrate my birthday I forgot to write the subheading. You know what? Sometimes you don't need one. It is only 5 days until I am 8 years old!! I will also get a Nintendo Switch! And, I will Also go skiing the day before to Silver Fir! I will also get to eat a cake at Chuck and Cheese, where there is an ARCADE WITH GAMES! I have never even seen an ARCADE before! And video games? OH BOY! There are completely no setbacks at all!*
*Oops, I did write a subheading.
February 16, 2023
Today I had had a Very very Interesting chess class, where we learned more kind-of boring stuff about the Queen's Gambit. I think it is boring because I already learned all of that stuff with daddy. Really, that was the second opening that he taught me, right after Guicco Piano (Italian Opening) . After chess was chinese, and it 30 more minutes later, so I ate my dinner. After I finished it, I listened to my boring Chinese class.
On Valentines day, while brushing my teeth, I found out that KYLE had been taking apart my train! To make it more worse, he LIED about it! So, I kicked him, and he fell and acted like his knee was bleeding. So, daddy heard Kyle, and he punched my skull. I am still angry, but I learned a lesson: when other people do something wrong, talk to them quickly and tell a grown-up. The other one is that you cannot hit others.
February 17, 2023
I have school lunch! I have school lunch! I love school lunch, and I'm getting it TODAY! Today I have school lunch, and it is Macaroni and Cheese with a big bread bun. It also came with carrots and peas. This is how I eat my lunch: I first eat some of the Macaroni, then I make a hole in my bun. After that, I stuff my peas, carrots, and Macaroni into it, and bam! you have something that isn't OLD FASHIONED, it's pretty neat and fun to do!
February 18, 2023
Today I had a very not-good soccer game against Medina. I was late, so I sat on the bench, waiting. Before I was even in the game, Medina scored a goal! After I was in, they still scored goals, and I missed that big opportunity on a free kick, where I didn't kick it high enough. But daddy says that what I just said wasn't the problem; it's that I didn't dribble. I asked what if they push you down? He said to scream at the ref saying "REF! HE PUSHED ME!" to make him embarrassed. But, I have no idea if that is going to work.
February 19, 2023
Today I went skiing for a special occasion. Can you guess why? Because it's almost my 8th birthday! Woo - hoo! I love skiing, especially at Alpine! This time, we went from Holiday and T R A V E R S E D to Central Express. The first round I almost fell a lot of times! The second round I got my ski feeling back. All of the round went well. Mom also was a LOT faster. We also went to GOLDEN NUGGET, and I loved it! it was so fun! Without my coach, I was free to do anything, and I went to the place above the main road. I loved it! I want to do all of that again tomorrow!
Today is my 8th birthday! Mom said that she will get me a delicious Chocolate Cake! I can even have the little chocolate piece on the top, which I NEVER get to have! Mom also said that I will have my birthday PARTY on February 25, and all of my friends can come! They will also bring mysterious presents to unwrap (I really hope that my presents aren't books!) ! I also wonder what KIND of presents they might bring. Some of my friends can't come, but they will send a present, like my best friend, Tyler!
Today is also my 2nd day since I had my very very trusty Nintendo Switch Console. I have loved it because yesterday, I was able to play Asphalt 9🏎, a very fun racing game. It's kinda like Real Racing 2, but is more exciting because it has a Nitro Bar, where you can boost your car by pressing X or Y twice, you can smash other people's cars by pressing ZL twice, which makes your car do a 360º Spin! I know! very, very interesting! You even can go in a shortcut, and do a Barrel➰in the air!
February 21, 2023
Today I went to William's house. When I got there, my buddy Kevin was there! William and Kevin were playing Catan JR , but I didn't want to. After they finished playing, we made drawings of weird things.
Besides all of that, Kevin is a boy who plays soccer at Coach Tian's Classes with me. Something I didn't know was that he has a older sister, or, just a sibling! He is also pretty good at Mario Kart, and he taught me some tricks that I didn't know, like drifting and flipping. He also is a good friend, and very sneaky, too, because he tried to escape from me and William downstairs. Thankfully, I caught him before he went too far!
February 22, 2023
Today I read a book called " Who is Neil Armstrong?".
Neil was born on August 5, 1930 in Ohio. From the time he was little, he loved airplanes. He liked to make little model planes and crash them on the sidewalk. He joined a Boy Scout troop and made lots of enemy warplanes. He was determined to fly, but the flying lessons cost money, so he worked for a doughnut shop and mowed the lawn at the cemetery. Finally, he got his pilot's licence when he was 15.
He then went to Blume High School, and got decent grades. He then went to Purdue University. In return for the scholarship money, he had to serve in the Navy for 3 years. But for Neil, that was fine because he could fly planes!
After joining the Navy, Neil finished his degree and married Janet Shearon. They bought a house in the mountaintops, where he applied to be an ASTRONAUT. He met all the qualifications, and became a astronaut. He then moved to Texas, which was closer to Houston. He then practiced all the things that an astronaut would need to know. Finally, he was ready to land on the moon!
I think moon exploration is exciting. You could mis-land the lunar capsule inalsoto a crater, and you wouldn't be able to come back. You may not be able to stop the capsule from spinning, and you could land headfirst in the ocean and drown, or your rocket might explode during takeoff time! I still think it is worth it, though. Without space exploration and scientific research, we would never know when an asteroid might hit the earth! If we did have space exploration and research, we might be able to avoid it hitting our planet, or escape to some other planet, at least.
February 23, 2023
Yesterday I went NIGHT SKIING for the first time in my life! I loved it sooo much! At first, we went to Central Express, where we went down Alpine a few times and Golden Nugget a few times. After that, we met William at the bottom of Central Express! He wanted to go to Hogwild and over to Silver Fir. His mom convinced him to go the other way. While we went to Silver Fir, Kyle and Daddy went to the bottom of Central Express!
William and me went to Silver Fir, and we had a good time riding up to Outback and doing jumps the whole way down, and we would go in the trees every now and then. He said that I am not a expert at skiing, but I don't think so. He tests how I do things by letting ME go first, which has always been fun for me. In one place, the trail is thinner than my skis combined! There are also branches to whip your face, and steap BUMPS to surprise you. There are also trees to make you confused and jumps that make you go flying over to the moon! But I still like Night Skiing!
February 24, 2023
Today I read a book called "The Campground Kids: Grand Teton Stampede". It's about a story where 12-year old Isaiah and his sister, 9-year old Sadie go camping at Grand Teton National Park with Ethan, a 14-year old boy who is Isaiah's cousin. On their trip, they met a rancher that lost his cattle and a girl whose 3 competition horses got stolen. Eventually, they find the cattle, but the competition hoses are still missing. So, clue after clue, they find out who stole it, how they stole it, when they stole it, and got the competition horses back!
I think all of this is exciting. There were lots of risks, like when Ethan fell off a cliff and landed in a river, where their parents couldn't find them, and when they pretended to ask for help from a person who helped steal the horses. It was also brave for them to talk to a stranger, even if the person was a ranger. If I were them, I wouldn't have taken the risk.
February 25, 2023
Today is the day that I will have my birthday party at Chuck E Cheese! My mom invited all of my friends, and that includes Gavin and William. There was a ARCADE there, and I had lots of fun blasting monsters at JURASSIC PARK! I also had fun playing old time Mario Kart! It is the normal kind, but just the graphics are a bit worse, and you can't choose your car. There are games where you can get cool souvenirs, you can play for fun, or you can multiplayer. Me and William did that on JURASSIC PARK, the same as me and Aiden did on Mario Kart!
February 26, 2023
Today I went skiing at Central Express with William and Brian! Mom told me that Brian is really good at skiing, and I think that isn't true. 0r at least not what I expected. He looked like he was 7 and he was actually 8, his skis were so long! Well, what I thought changed when he said that he wanted to go to Bonzona Face (or Banana Face for short) , which is a BLACK. Well, I was relieved that his dad said no, because a person named Jace Liu just can't do blacks.
February 27, 2023
Today I went to two soccer practices, as usual, but this time it was a bit different. Or, very different, actually. On the second practice, we had all of the plain things I thought of, like 1v1 and other stuff. But, at the 1v1 part, we were winning 13-12, but I wanted to make it 14-12, so we had a total win. The problem was that I was dribbling at high speed and I can't help myself to slide and try to score. I didn't, but that's not the point! When I slid, I got to the back of the net and hit my knee on a heavy metal object. OUCHIE!!
February 28, 2023
Today is almost March 1st and almost the 100th day of school PARTY! Oh boy, you know how I feel about PARTIES already, but do you guys know why I just LOVE parties? It's the food! In First grade, when we had 100th day of school party, Mrs. Roberts gave everyone a plate of 10 yummy foods in 10 categories, including pretzels, marshmallows, crackers, and chocolate! I sure hope that in Second grade, we also get that yummy plate that Mrs. Roberts gave us one whole entire YEAR ago!