Diary - January 2024

January 2, 2024

Today I finished Sophie's world. The last part is about Sophie driving to a world with Alberto where the major can't get them. In that world, they "steal" a car, and drive to the place where the major is staying. Alberto tells Sophie to just follow him. 

The Major finds a ton of cards that are from Hilde but meant for her. She gives the Major a taste of his own medicine. Every bridge there the major drives under a bridge, there is a banner with ether "It won't be long, Dad." , "I can see you, Dad!" , or "Hi, Dad!" . When he gets home, he and Hilde talk about the Big Bang. After they do, Hilde hits Sophie with a wrench and she and Alberto run away on a rowboat. The End.

January 3, 2024

Today I read a little about Linus, the founder of Linux. The first word of the first chapter is about the fact that Linus was really ugly. His nose was really big. He also had a very bad taste of clothes. He would put on blue jeans and then top it off with a T - shirt. He also was really bad at sports. His dad signed him up for basketball, Linus's dad's favorite sport. 

In school, he was really good at everything except sports. He didn't have to study:he was just one of people that just has good at it. His grandpa introduced him in programming on Basic. He first programed the easiest things: Print Hello. after that he begged for money to buy computer programs. I think programing shoulld be interesting. I'll give it shot.

January 4, 2024

Today I read about Linus's high school life. 

In high school, Linus got rated from 4 - 10. He got mostly 9s and 10s in math, physics, and others. In Phys Ed, he got mostly 7s. Gymnastics were fine, but if it was soccer or hockey Linus would have to skip. He got a 6 in wood carving. Others got made stools and napkin holders, while Linus just got 3 splinters.

Next to the high school, there was a coffee shop. That was the only place where you could buy stuff. The café was also a hangout for geeks like him or people that strolled around the back of the school and smoked cigarettes. Linus would always buy a doughnut and a coke. 

Linus also states that he was better at his sister, Sara, at school. Sara was more social, likable, and kind. Then again, Linus took less classes and Sara took more, but better grades on less things is better than worse grades on more things.

January 5, 2024

Today I read about what Linus did after high school. 

After high school, every male had to go to serve in the army. He was really nervous about how they would judge him. He was never physical, and he never got better than 8 in phys ed. Thankfully, he was fire engineer. He just directed a group of five on a fire cannon. He actually did good, but they also had to run marathons in the woods with cable on your back for 10 miles. Sometimes you just waited for orders.

After training, he got back and felt like (at least I think so) they took a reality shower. People after training just felt like after a little training, you have something to talk about.

January 6, 2024

Today I read about what Linus wanted.

At this time, Linus had a Sinclair QL, which had 128 Kilobytes to 640 Kilobytes. To do that, he had to get an entirely new operating system from England (the maker was from England) before searching for places in magazines. After Linus got the operating system, he added a few commands to the computer was faster.

Now, after he was done with his computer, he copied his games from the old computer to this game. His favorite game was Asteroids. His most improved game was Pac-Man. Before, the characters glitched. Now, because of his add-in, they were smooth.

January 7, 2024

Today I read about Linus's childhood.

Linus was raised in his grandparents apartment in a laundry basket. Then, he moved to a building near a park when his dad was studying to become a communist. After Linus's parents divorced, they lived in a yellow apartment. 

After living together for awhile, Linus's sister, Sara, moves to live with her dad. In his mom's house, a vacant spot in his bedroom was the place where he would put his computer. Linus would spend so much time on the computer that his dad always asked Linus's mom to kick him out. His mom would say that he wasn't bothering him, and he has business on his hands.

Eventually, he would invent a program in his grandparents apartment. 

January 8, 2024

Today I read about how Linus invented Linux. Part 1 of 3 parts.

Linus was logging on to his computer a little too frequently. He wanted to upload and download things, but to do that, he would need a disk drive and a file drive. Linus was just about to give up when he just realized that he was just looking from the wrong angle, as so in a story. He figured out that he just needed the latest POSIX rules that are machine readable and Ftp site accessible. Then, he attracted attention from a teaching assistant. Bum bum bum!

P.S. I don't have enough time today, so I will try to split it up.

January 9, 2024

Today I read about how Linus invented Linux. Part 2 of 3 parts.

After Linus attracted attention, the assistant gave him the answer, but asked why he wanted it. Linus explained that he wanted to make something to replace Minux, which he accidentally overwrote it. The main problem was the bash. He couldn't load it in.

After the bash things got easier for him. He actually breezed through it in no time flat. He was ready in August to present his thing to his friends at university. His friends like it, and ends up making something revolutionary.

He didn't know it at the time but he was famous.

January 10, 2024

Today I read about how Linus invented Linux. Part 3 of 3 parts.

After making something like Minux and his colleagues liked it, his operating system was public, and Linus was ready to have Linux start from .1 to 1.0. He actually made improvements but then, he solved a major problem. He skipped to 95%. But, there was a problem with the numbers. He had to invent stuff like 99%, Patch 15A-15Z. Then, Linux 1.0 jumped out the window.

After making Linux, he never expected to be on the newspaper or on TV. He didn't even expect to have speeches! He never thought of himself as the leader, he didn't in two reasons: 1. he was lazy, 2. he made other people do his work.

I wanna be like him.

January 11, 2024

Today I read about how Linux's logo was invented.

After making Linux 1.0, Some people thought a good company would have a logo, so Linus asked his wife, Tove, to think of one. She told him she would have it as a penguin. He said yes, but later, after hearing that it was a penguin, he regretted it. 

Tove asked a manager of Linux if a penguin as the logo would be good, he said yes. That made Linus think it was better. Afterwards, he had to choose a penguin. He asked all his users to send a penguin photo. He chose one that was made by Larry Ewing. It looked very happy, and that's why Linus chose it.

January 12, 2024

Today I read about how Linus got a job in America.

After getting a job in a company called Transmeta. It makes semiconductors. Linus accepted the offer, obviously, but him and Tove decided to get married first, have a baby, have his electronics on a ship to sail to California, and have to go to a fast food restaurant every day.

Linus, at work, makes semiconductors that work for 80x86 computer, I think. And then, at night, he would sleep his full 10-hours. What? Linus slept 10 hours? I know, right, even my mom sleeps only for like 5-8 hours a day (but yes, a ton of coffee and coke and coca cola is needed) . Linus argued that when people sleep 9-11 hours, in the daytime, they get their full brain in the game.

January 14, 2024

T W O    L I N E S ! ! !   I   A M   S L E E P Y ! ! ! 

Today I read about how Linus got his job and how he made money from it.

He was basically buying this company called Red Hat's stock, I think, and he got 500,000 dollars. But two days later, the company said everybody gets double the cash for some reason!

This tells me everybody should have some stock in a good company.

January 15, 2024


Today I read about Intellectual property*. 

First, start off with humans. Humans are different from animals in a way that we can THINK. The fact that we can think is the key to lots of things, but most of all, CREATIVENESS!! 

Think about how a robot makes an iphone. How did humans evolve from cavemen to the present people? Creativeness. Because of that, people want to keep their inventions a secret or have them protected in some way. That leads to intellectual property. 

Reality/my life be like

I can't go skiing. My friend asked to borrow my ski pass, so I gave him mine and my brother's. After, I found out I can't go skiing for 2 weeks!

January 16, 2024

Today I read about Fame and fortune. Part 1 of 2 parts.

First question. Is there a burden to being famous? Linus thinks it is not a burden to be famous. Some celebrities say being famous is a burden. Really, they just want to have normal people feel better. 

There are some downsides to being famous. First off, you will get so much email and voicemail (as for Linus) . You don't bother to go through it, so a few months later, you receive a message that in 3 days you have a conference or a meeting. Then, you have to do last minute preparations, which never feels good. What if someone finds out that you haven't been looking through email? You'll feel really guilty and bad. You'll get busted!

Good news about being famous is that you get a lot of money (usually) You can do lots of stuff for fun, for example go on vacations and go skiing. Sometimes, you can be in the paper, and you can have lots of admirers. BUT, you will have to overcome (if you haven't already) the fear of talking in front of a few thousand people.

January 17, 2024

Today I read about your motivation to do things.

I think the number one motivation for life is to survive. Survival is key to everything. Everything has a sense of survival. Plants grow up trees so they get more sunlight, people back Then fought to get to the same things. There was a fight to everything because animals knew that if they don't get sunlight now, they might not get it. 

Number 2 motivation for life is social relations. It is like a soldier going to war for his social relations to his country. He knows he might die, but he wants to serve his country. He wants to die a hero.

Number 3 motivation is ENTERTAINMENT. What? I know, entertainment like going to space to see earth from space, bungee jumping, tightroping across two mountains, and maybe skydiving. All of them have a risk to them. You could die!

January 14, 2024

Yesterday I finished the book called Just For Fun about Linux, and now I'm reading this book about a map.

A MAP. Not just a map, though. THE first map of the world! Bum bum bum! But, this map has a sad story. After it was made in 1507, over a thousand copies were made with the PRINTER (yes, 2 important things in 1 diary!) , but later on, the map was replaced with another more precise map.

But, there is a history behind the Waldseemüller map. The Waldseemüller map actually helped Nicolaus Copernicus form the fact that the earth orbits around the sun and not the other way around. 

The Waldseemüller map was made by a German cartographer named Martian Waldseemüller. He wanted to make a map that shows how the world looks like according to Amerigo Vespucci.

January 19, 2024

Today I read about K-pg and what happened after.

Imagine you in Hell Creek in Ancient Montana 66 million years ago. It is just a normal day, but a few minutes later, everything is up into ashes. Only the most smart and creative animals survive. What its it? 


In the years that followed K-Pg, the world was ash and soot. The trees were burnt, the grass was a pile of ash, and everything was on the cliff of life and death. Thankfully, the small animals that ate seeds and adapted quickly were the ones who would live for a while, but not all survived. Afterward, the mammals rose up to power, and everything thrived.

Until it happens again (not yet!) .

January 20, 2024

You are a Triceratops and you were the greatest one of all. But, the age is getting over you, and you can't compete to get a mate. After that, you are just a person in the shadows. But, as you stand over the dead body of another Triceratops, you feel lucky that wasn't you. 

You are a Pterosaur. You look at the dead body of the Triceratops. You do not go to peck at it, because you know it is not possible. The Triceratops' tough skin is to bumpy for the Pterosaur's small teeth. You have to wait for a carnivore.

You are a Tyrannosaurus Rex. You are at the topmost of the food chain. You haven't had a major threat since several years ago. You have an oversized jaw for everything, two tiny arms, sturdy legs, and a tail that keeps you balanced. You see a dead Triceratops on the ground. You eat it. You see Pterosaurs around you. You grab around with your jaw, but they are fast.

January 22, 2024

Today I read about you being an Ankylosaurus.

 What? Well, K-Pg just happened. A piece of rock, seven miles across smashed into the earth. Not only did it affect the land, also the sea. The impact sent the water into a mega tsunami. It first carried sea creatures miles up shore, then it went the other way around. 

Back to you, the Ankylosaurus. You are just taking a sip of water near a lake. You feel a big rumble under your feet. You are going to go back. to your resting spot, when a bigger. Shake happened. Remember the ocean one where the waves went one way and then the other? That's basically what happened to the lake. The wave carries you. After it calms, you broke a few bones, but you are ok. Little do you know that something is going to change your life. BUM BUM BUM

January 23, 2024

Today I read about the first day of K-Pg.

 The first day is usually the hardest. The dust gets in your eyes, nose, and lungs, you can't breath, you need shelter, and you also are burning hot. It is literally raining fire. After it touches the ground, it burns. That is also a reason mammals survived.

The mammals all survived because they could burrow down underground where the hot air couldn't get them. Also, they stock up on food sources early. They expect it to be winter soon and naturally stock up. Also, they can hibernate.

January 24, 2024

Today I read about the first year of K-Pg. 

12 months earlier, the world was still controlled by non-avian dinosaurs. Now, only the ones that can burrow (or the ones that can find a burrow) underground are the ones that survive. The bigger dinosaurs can't burrow, so they didn't survive.

After the fires and the dust, comes the ICE AGE. This is a time when after the asteroid hits, there is a big cloud of dust. The big cloud blocks the rays of sunlight from coming into the atmosphere, and for years, it has been COLD. And, that is why only the small, omnivorous, able-to-burrow animals survived. 

But that's a story for another–cough cough... time...

January 26, 2024

Today I will talk about the ACIDIC STUFF.

So, basically before the asteroid hit there was something called pH. Normal rain has this pH of 5.6, while after the hit, the rain became more acidic and had a pH of 4.3. That is not good. Imagine you being a frog in a pond. You think it is safe, but after the pond collects more and more acid, the creatures in there eventually die.

And for the land animals? Only the mammals are alive. The mammals, unfortunately, are very soft, so they...die quickly. Some fish eggs just dissolve before they even hatch. And the turtles? They, before, were the predators (of fish eggs) , and now they're the prey.

January 27, 2024

Today I read about 1000 years after K-Pg.

See, after 1000 years, it probably means that if you survived K-Pg (not a compliment, just saying) your species would have a good chance of recovering your population. But, that also would mean you would have some tweaks in yourself.

Imagine you are a snake before the K-Pg mass extinction. You, before have had legs. Teeny-tiny legs. They help you move faster on land and in the water. But, when the asteroid hits, you have this instinct to run or dig. And when the smoke comes to your way, you decide to dig. And over the years, you develop into the present snake.

January 28, 2024

Today dad told me to read about how to make friends and influence people.

So, I've already read a little about this before, about how to make people do what you want (the secret is to keep complimenting them) . Now, this is how to not make others made. I have so examples.

So, you have to stop, think about what you would do if you were the person that you right now are going to blame, and make a better choice. Some famous examples are:   Abraham Lincoln, when he ordered General Meade to attack General Lee, he didn't attack. Lee got away, and Lincoln got mad. He imagined himself in Meade's shoes, thought about it, and decided to not get mad.     When a test flyer named Bob Hoover was flying home from a show, he found out his plane was filled with jet fuel instead of gasoline. When he got back, he talked to the mechanic that serviced his plane. He was mad, but though about it and decided not to, same like Lincoln.

JANUARY 29, 2024 - Influencing people

Today I read about appreciation and how it can change your life.

So, I have some quick examples because I am sleepy.

First, someone named Mrs. MacDougall's husband dies. She has to take care of 3 kids, and because her husband had a coffee maker. She rented a room that is very small, and used the coffee machine to make coffee. She asked her customers to give her advice. They did, and her shop got better. One day she was selling coffee at the train station when it was raining, everybody lined for coffee. She even handed out free waffles. 

I guess I have to appreciate the fact that at least I have a coffee maker and some coffee beans, unlike someone else, who might not even have food! And the fact that I can make money, too, I guess.

Another thing: you can make people do what you want by giving them what they really want first. If your kid doesn't want to go to kindergarten, make a list of things he likes and tell him some are going to be in kindergarten. If you don't want to go to a movie, you just have to give them an award it they watch it. See, it is easier than I thought to make someone do something you want than I thought.

From now on, I will be more kind and give more compliments to others so when I need them, they will help me.

January 30, 2024

Today I read about ferns and their good and bad parts.

Ferns are very old. They formed about 360 million years ago. That was, before dinosaurs, I think. Ferns have very low stems, and very low leaves, to. Ferns were at the bottom of the forest floor. Instead of rushing up to get the sunlight, ferns evolved to live in shaded places. Wherever there's shade, you'll find ferns there. Unless it's rock, of course.

Ferns survived the K-Pg extinction because of the fact that they could survive with little sunlight. Wherever there was shade (and that was everywhere, because the sun was blocked out) , there were are will be ferns. They also recovered quick because there were no more dinosaurs stomping on them, and because they reproduce in large quantities. Also, there were more ferns, because they had a chance to shine. No other trees were blocking them from sun.

That is a fern.

January 31, 2024 

Today I will talk about how I got -[wince]- suspended.

So, basically, I was walking down the hall in school when I spotted Harris. He didn't notice me, and I just remembered about the game we played at homeroom. It involved Laser pistols and lightsabers. 

Okay, if you live in Ohio and you got suspended, it was probably because of this. (Ohio isn't looking so good!) I snuck up on Harris, and said, "Look behind you!" . He looked back, and I did the chik-chik-bam thing. He probably was annoyed, so he told the teacher. He wasn't scared or anything, but he still told the teacher. Mrs. Ryan told me it was very inappropriate thing, and then I went to lunch.

After lunch and recess, I forgot about the accident. But, when Mrs. Roseland (vice principal) called me to her room, that moment I thought it was because of the stuff I did yesterday, or the day before yesterday. But, as in books, you never get sent to a teacher's office without doing something wrong.

She told me I was suspended for 3 days, and told me she would call mom and dad. In the meantime, she told me to pack up and wait in the  clinic. When I got home, I was sure that mom was gonna kill me. But, she and dad where going to a meeting with the principal. I don't think anything good is going to happen there, though.